- Save money smarter
- Learn new things regularly
- Get in shape
- Be in the present with my family
- GO
What does that mean?
Save money smarter - right now my husband and I make a decent amount of money, and we have savings for retirement and for the kids and for miscellaneous. But I feel like it's chaotic. We are not in control of our money, we can always make it work when something comes up, but it's more reactionary than planned. So I want to get on top of it! Create a budget, set aside specific savings for the short term little things and the long term big things. Figure out just what those big things are. Plus, our investing is sort of a mystery to me, I'd like to take control of that too.
Learn new things regularly - I decided to learn a new "thing" every month this year. So far this is my list:
January - Meditate
February - Investing
March - set up home network
April - Basic carpentry (power tools)
May - Skateboard
June - Learn Piano Song
July -
August -
September -
October -
November - knit/crochet (here for Christmas presents)
December -
Some of them tie in nicely with other goals for the year. Some just sound fun. Trying to time it so it's useful in my life.
Get in shape - There was a time when I was in shape. I did triathlons and ran 10Ks and could wear anything and wasn't tired. I'm sick of looking back on that and would rather be in the middle of it again. This will also involve other "health" sort of things like figuring out my cholesterol, and getting my abdominal hernia checked out.
Be Present with my Family - I'm pretty good about this with my boys. We plan fun activities and ditch the housework and go to the playground etc. I'm not great at this with my husband. We mostly just talk to cover the basics like when somebody has a meeting or who's going to take J to gymnastics. And when there's time that the whole family is present, I use that as an excuse to duck out and take some me time. I'd like to get better at a few things with this goal: a) schedule some me time into my life so I don't feel like I need to escape. b) schedule some one on one time with EACH member of the family. The boys aren't just The Boys, they're T and J, and my husband. c) schedule some family time, where we ALL are present and together having fun.
GO - the vaguest one of all, but it's sort of my mantra that I've been trying to live by more and more for the last couple years and a goals list couldn't be complete without it. I want to just DO it, not procrastinate, or put it on a list. Just move. Now. This tends to involve housework (just do the annoying jobs and they'll be done, rather than staring you in the face all weekend). But it also involves my job (get off facebook and DO that work). I often feel like I'm waiting around and not going, so I just want to start to Go more.
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